The Dream
We were driving along a beautiful winding road lined with forests and lakes, driving to a cottage which my parents had just purchased.
The drive was peaceful, light filled and filled with excited anticipation of our arrival.
As soon as we arrived at the cottage, it was a unique and quirky building, almost Gaudy’esq…. but Canadian. Upon our arrival my family and I started getting a tour of the property from the real estate agent.
We walked around exploring this beautiful piece of architecture which was to my amazement now ours, we arrived at this beautiful long rectangular wood lined room that had a very large window at it’s end, it was streaming a very distinct light beam onto a massive blank canvas that sat atop a huge easel. The light beam was vivid and was streaming onto the massive canvas illuminating it… in the dream I announced excitedly that this was going to be my room to create art in.
My lucid self was awoken at this point and I was made aware this was a very clear sign I was to start making art.
The very next room we toured had a room filled with hanging picture frames needing to be filled, and once again the message downloaded to my psyche was that I was meant to fill these empty frames with creations of beauty.
I awoke startled by the vivid beauty and unmistakable message of this communication. I wrote it down in my journal and followed it’s calling two days later.
What’s emerged since then in a short period of time has been beyond my wildest comprehension of what I was capable of.
It’s beautiful.
It’s sparkling.
It’s ever evolving.
Just like us.
Follow your dreams, they will always lead you where you need to be.
The light is around us, the light is within us and only the light shall guide our path,